Hello new readers!

Dear generous reader,

This is a quick shout out to several new subscribers to my blog — Dan in Boston (hi!), the North Carolina clan, and here in Alaska, the amazing artist Peggy! Thanks guys. It’s so much fun to know who is receiving my letters each week. By the way, all I can see when you subscribe is your email address and the general area of the country where you live. So with that in mind, I also want to say hi to Carol and a new follower from West Virginia.

Subscribing to the blog just means that each week the letters will be delivered directly to your email so you know when there’s a new letter. I try to post new letters on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. The subscriptions help me know how many people are reading.

The only other way I know you’re reading my letters is when you leave a comment on my blog. I LOVE the comments. You all make the blog fun. It’s fantastic to see a conversation develop between readers in Alaska and Italy, or the Netherlands and Chicago. All the comments together give a more complex, interesting perspective on the topics I’m writing about. So please, if you ever have the slightest notion to participate, please, please do. Comment every day. Comment twice on the same letter. Whether you’re my neighbor, a relative, a friend, or until now a complete stranger, I’d love to have you share your thoughts.

Now, if it will only stop raining, we’re heading out to pick blueberries. I’m being led blindfolded to a secret spot and told I can take no photos that will give away our whereabouts (really), but I’ve been promised 10 gallons.




  • Shereen says:

    Guess what I am doing right now! Canning the slivers! I ended up buying the smaller pressure canner-they didn’t have the big one like yours. 🙁 And it doesn’t have a gauge to read. I don’t like that. Oh well. I’ll let you know how it turned out.
    Blueberries!!! Blindfold me too!

    • Eowyn Ivey says:

      Yay! Hope the canning goes well. I just used some that you and Sam canned to make a salmon chowder last night. Yum … if I may say so myself.

  • Uh, Hello!
    Those blueberries don’t jump into your bucket
    (or down your gullet). There is sweat equity involved –
    I’ll play with Rory so you get quality time with the bushes.

    Time to go…

  • Christy Thomas says:

    Blueberries in the Gainesville area are so plentiful that you can stand next to one tree and fill a bucket in ten minutes. There are ads in the newspaper begging you to come and take them away.

  • Christy Thomas says:

    Hi Eowyn, Christy and Marco visited last week and fixed my computer so I can get your blog. I do not know anything about blogs but sure enjoy yours! About blueberries… Sister in Orgeon has a few bushes in her back yard and her grand daughter likes to pick them,,all gone! Never knew they grew up north! love Aunt Judy

  • Eowyn Ivey says:

    Hi Christy and Aunt Judy! — so fun to hear from you on here. I had no idea blueberries even grew in Florida, but Oregon I can imagine. We had a great berry picking trip, even with the rain. I’ll be writing more about it, with a few photos, next week. Love to you both!